Sivun näyttöjä yhteensä

keskiviikko 19. kesäkuuta 2013

Hammastahna - Toothpaste

Tässä uusin hammastahnani. Hammassaippuan jälkeen olen kokeillut vaikka mitä eri hammastahnavaihtoehtoja. Pisimpään käytin varmaankin pelkkää kookosöljyä tai kookosöljyn ja saven sekoitusta. Pitipä taas kokeilla jotain uutta... Löysin Frugally Sustainablen kautta kivan hammastahnaohjeen joka on alunperin Sustain, create and flow-blogista. Muokkasin kuitenkin reseptiä hieman :) Ainoa ongelma oli mitä T lyhenne tarkoittaa. Wikipedia ilmoitti että se tarkoittaa ruokalusikallista, mutta se ei voi pitää paikkansa. Hammastahnasta tulisi muuten ihan lirua.

Minun ohjeessani on: 

1/4 kuppia betoniittisaven ja keltaisen Agilez-saven sekoitusta
1 rkl neitsytkookosöljyä
1 rkl ruokasoodaa
2 rkl vettä (jos haluat tahnan tuubiin niin laita 3-4 tl vettä)
hieman steviaa
10 tippaa piparmintun eteeristä öljyä (se oli mielestäni tarpeeksi)

Ksylitolia käyttäisin mielelläni, mutta minulla oli ainoastaan steviaa. Suosittelen lämpimästi että hammastahnaan lisätään jotain makeuttajaa koska ruokasooda maistuu hyvin suolaiselle.

This is my new toothpaste. After using tooth soap, I´ve tried washing my teeth with coconut oil or a mixture of coconut oil and clay. It was time to try something new. I found from Frugally Sustainable a nice recipe. It is originally from the blog Sustain, create and flow. I still had to change the recipe a little bit :) The only problem I had was knowing if T means tablespoon or teaspoon (hoping someone will tell me here). Wikipedia told me it was tablespoon, but that would make the toothpaste way to liquid. 

My toothpaste recipe contains:

1/4 cup of a mixture of betonite clay and yellow Agilez-clay
1 tbs virgin coconut oil
1 tbs baking soda
2 tbs water (it you want to put the toothpaste in a tube use only 3-5 tsp)
pinch of stevia (I would have used xylitol, but i only had stevia)
10 drops of peppermint essential oil (I thought that was enough)

I recommend to put some sweetener in this toothpaste, because the baking soda tastes really salty.


16 kommenttia:

  1. Heh, jokseenkin samanlaista tahnankorviketta, kuin se miun tekemäni...:) Tosin miulla on xylitolia. Vettä en omaani laittanut. Jälkimaku on soodan suolaisuudesta huolimatta aika kakkutaikinainen, eikö?

    1. Joo, tahna kun tähna :D
      Xylitolia sai vielä tosta lähimarketista jonkun aikaa sitten, mutta nyt siellä on pelkkää "steviankorvikkeita". Eli pitäisi tilata jostain tai käväistä Helsingissä. Kakkutaikinan makua en saanut, mutta tönkkösuolatulta mudalta tämä maistui ennen kuin muistin sekoittaa stevian sinne joukkoon. Maku parani huomattavasti :D

    2. En tarkkaa omaa ohjettani näköjään kirjoittanut muistiin, mutta sen "esikuva" oli vielä tallella. Miulla on kaikkia aineita n. 1 osa, paitsi savea ehkä kaksi ja pipamintun lisäksi appelsiinin eö. Kakkutaikinan maku johtunee suuremmasta suhteellisesta kookosöljyn ja eö määrästä?

    3. Vaikeeta sanoa. Silloin kun pesin saven ja kookosöljyn seoksella niin se se silloinkaan maistunut kakkutaikinalle. Tai sitten me ollaan syöty ihan erilaista kakkua :o) Jos se on se appelsiinin eö?

  2. OMG, you're really have made a serious cosmetic assortment there! What's next? Dishing wash cubes,or deodorant?
    Bravo for your exploring efforts and creative energy!

    1. Haven´t been using store bought deodorant for over a year :D Tried one for a few days and noticed that it was not as effective as the one I made.

  3. I have been using tooth powder for some time that I make myself with some the same ingredients you use here. I tried a version at one point with coconut oil but didn't like the feel of it in my mouth so I went back to tooth powder. I am now enjoying the natural toothpaste much more than commercial... my teeth are whiter, my gums feel stronger. But its messy in the sink.... xo Jen

    1. Hi Jennifer! I have never tried tooth powder. Perhaps I will after I´ve used this toothpaste. I actually like coconut oil on my teeth. I sometimes rub it on my teeth after I´ve brushed them.

  4. Wow Marika this is grate! You really inspired me to try making my own tootpaste!

    1. I agree, this is really wonderful :) Do try it. It does not taste as fresh as storebought toothpaste, but it is so good for your whole mouth.

  5. Nice recipe, Marika!
    I have tried several recipes, and I am more into powder ones. The only problem is that my sensitive teeth don't really accept clays. Or maybe I used to put to much clay... no idea...So I had to try something else, without clays.
    Anyway, if you have strong teeth, this is a nice recipe!
    Maybe you can give us an update on this recipe, Marika!

    1. I have never had problems with clays, Natalia. It seems like my teeth like it a lot.

  6. What a neat idea to make your own toothpaste! I have never tried homemade toothpaste, but the recipe looks intriguing. I would also say that a capital 'T' stands for Tablespoon. Teaspoon is usually a lower-case 't.' Glad that you were able to tweak the recipe to get it to the right consistency for you!

    1. Thanks Jenny, I knew somebody would help me with "T".

  7. I'm totally curious about this too, would love to try it! Thanks so much for sharing this! I agree with Jenny, the capital 'T' usually means Tablespoon.

    1. My teeth feel so much cleaner with this toothpaste. Next time I think I will try this without water and use only coconut oil.
